Monday, 18 June 2012

Some More of my Tips for Writing Better Poetry

Here are some more of my writing tips and tips for writing better poetry.

Some More of my Tips for Writing Better Poetry

1. Attend a performance poetry night. In London the Poetry Cafe, Covent Garden has some good ones.
    If you live in the home counties or south Midlands in the UK, the following websites may be of

2. Participate in a performance poetry night

3. Write a poem based on some art, a piece of music, or a dance.

4. Write at different times of the day rather than at one particular time every day or week.

5. Write regularly

6. Think about every word that you write. Does it fit in with your intention? Is the language consistent? Does
     it keep with the rhythm and mood of the poem.

7. Write a blog. Participate in other poet's blogs. Discuss poetry.

8. Share your work with other's. Not just with close family and friend's though.

8. Re-write. Re-write. Re-write.

Best wishes,
George Stanworth

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Tips For Writing Better Poetry - Be Different

Be Different

Always strive to be a better poet. Never believe that you know everything, or are unable to develop your poetry any further.

If you have just written what your friends, family and you consider to be your best poem yet, don't be content., keep pushing yourself further.

Most poets have self-doubts, so I'm sure that even the Poet Laureates and classic poets were not satisfied with most of their works, and wanted to develop their writing further.

Take risks. Experiment with language, style, form, imagery, or even layout. I once wrote a 4 line poem on a juggling ball. I also wrote one where the words on the left hand side of the page were havinga  debate with those laid out on the right.

I also spend time coming up with new ways to write about universal themes such as love, the past, and nature.

Be original. Be you. Be different.

You can now buy 8 of my satirical poems for just 99p at the following site
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.
